Please review all the information below.
On the day of your appointment, please sign in at the outpatient surgery
reception desk. You will be given a vibrating alerting device, which will alert you
to your turn while waiting in the reception area. This appointment will
take about one and a half hours, as there are a number of steps to complete.
It is not necessary to fast for this appointment. In other words, eat
normally on the day of your appointment, unless otherwise told to do so.
During the pre-op appointment you will:
Please sign in at the outpatient surgery reception desk at the time you were given by your surgeon. This is the same area in which you attended the pre-op assessment appointment.
It is important that you shower or bathe before coming to the hospital. Please remove all make-up including nail polish. Please leave all jewelry including wedding rings and body piercings at home.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If your surgery involves your shoulder or arm, a button-up shirt will be best, (this accommodates for an arm sling.) Elastic pull-up pants and easy to slip on shoes are ideal.
Bring a hairbrush or comb and a case for your contacts or glasses. Contacts
and dentures will have to be removed before you go to surgery. Bring a
robe if you will
be an inpatient. If your procedure requires the use of crutches please
bring them with you when you arrive for surgery.
If you did not attend the pre-op appointment, or were unable to bring your medication list or bottles of medications with you to the appointment, please bring them with you on the day of your surgery. Otherwise, leave your medicines at home.
Please do not bring cash, credit cards or other valuables, such as a watch or other jewelry. UF Health Flagler Hospital cannot be held responsible for the loss of these items.
Please limit visitors to two per patient. Children under age 12 should not be brought to the hospital for their own protection.
Remember that if you are having outpatient surgery, you must arrange for someone to drive you home. You will not be able to drive for at least 24 hours following surgery.
You will be escorted to a pre-op room where you will change into a hospital gown and be given an allergy and ID bracelet to wear during your stay. Your clothes will be stored in a garment bag and placed in a locker in your room. Please remember to leave your valuables at home.
Your nurse will take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature and will complete any special preparations ordered by your surgeon or anesthesiologist. An IV (intravenous catheter - a small catheter that goes into the vein to give you fluids and medications during surgery) will be inserted at this time.
You will then be escorted to the pre-op holding area, where you will meet the operating room team who will be with you during your surgery: the pre-op nurse, the anesthesiologist, the nurse anesthetist and the surgical nurse. This team is all your patient advocates and will protect your privacy and safety needs throughout your procedure. For your safety, they will ask you questions that you have most likely answered before. You may feel these questions are repetitive and tiring but they are asked to ensure your safety as well as to provide the best care possible for you while you are in the hospital. Before you are taken to the operating suite, your surgeon will mark the spot on your body being operated on.
Your family and friends may wait in the surgical waiting room where they can check-in with the hospital volunteer or guest service specialist. Your surgeon or someone from the operating room will keep them informed of your progress.
Please inform your family and friends that UF Health Flagler Hospital is a non-smoking facility.
The hospital dining room is open seven days a week from 7 am - 6:30 pm for the comfort and convenience of your family and friends while they are waiting. Full meal service for breakfast is from 7 - 9:30 am; lunch is from 11 am - 1:30 pm; and dinner is from 4:30 - 6:30 pm.
Sandwiches, soups and snacks are available throughout the day between serving times in the vending machines located in the dining area. The dining room is located on the first floor of Alicia Tower.
The UF Health Flagler Hospital Gift Shop is located in the main lobby on the first floor of the main patient tower. It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9 am - 5 pm and Wednesday and Friday from 9 am - 8 pm. The Gift Shop is operated by the UF Health Flagler Hospital Auxiliary and offers a variety of toys, plants, jewelry, cards and sundries.
The Outpatient Pharmacy is located on the first floor near the Gift Shop. It is open from 7:30 am - 5 pm Monday-Friday.
If you have any complaints or concerns, please contact the Patient Engagement Department at 904-819-4789.
Visiting hours may vary based on your room location. Please check with your nurse for more information.